Picture Album: Tabernacle in the Wilderness - Replica
![anointing the head with oil](../images/picture-album/tabernohio/1ohiotabernacletruck.jpg)
The Tabernacle full size replica was constructed by Teen Mission International. All of the items arrived packed into one large freight car. This exhibit has traveled extensively throughout the United States.
The Tabernacle: Exhibit Tent
![Messianic congregation worshipping at Bet Yeshurun Messianic Assembly](../images/picture-album/tabernohio/2ohiotabernacletent.jpg)
A very large waterproof tent houses the exhibit, as we see in the distance.
Banner: The Tribal Configuration
![Messianic worship Bet Yeshurun Messianic Assembly](../images/picture-album/tabernohio/4ohiotabernaclebanner.jpg)
A beautiful large banner about ten feet long depicts the Tabernacle in the Wilderness and shows the Hebrew tribal configurations which camped around it in ancient times.
The High Priest: Messiah in Typology
![Pastor ObadiYah of Bet Yeshurun Messianic Assembly](../images/picture-album/tabernohio/5ohiotabernaclemodel1.jpg)
Hebrews 9:4:15: "For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin."
The first exhibit shows a smaller scale model replica of the Tabernacle which is used for the initial discussion with the audience.
Tabernacle coverings: The Four Layers of Animal Skins
![Messianic worship Bet Yeshurun Messianic Assembly](../images/picture-album/tabernohio/6ohiotabernaclemodel3.jpg)
The Tabernacle itself was covered in four layers of animal skins, as shown here.
Model: Brazen Altar used for animal sacrifices
![Messianic worship Bet Yeshurun Messianic Assembly](../images/picture-album/tabernohio/7ohiobrazenaltarmodel.jpg)
"...Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us. For if the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh: How much more shall the blood of Messiah, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to Yah, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living Yah?"
Full-size Replica: The Brazen Altar
![Messianic worship Bet Yeshurun Messianic Assembly](../images/picture-album/tabernohio/8ohiobrazenaltar.jpg)
Here we see a priest standing beside the Brazen Altar used for animal sacrifices. It was placed in the Outer Court.
Symbols of Worship: The Outer Court
![Messianic worship Bet Yeshurun Messianic Assembly](../images/picture-album/tabernohio/9ohiolaverandbrazenaltarmodel.jpg)
A view of the Outer Court shows the Brazen Altar in a scale model in the picture. The Laver to the left was a large reservoir filled with water, with faucets on the side for the high priest to purify his hands and feet. The Laver is a type of New Testament baptism.
Symbols of Worship: The Entrance Gate
![Messianic worship Bet Yeshurun Messianic Assembly](../images/picture-album/tabernohio/10ohiotabernaclemodelgate.jpg)
The entrance gate to the Outer Court is shown here. It was composed of linen in four colors: blue, purple, red, and white. This gate was 30 feet wide!
Symbols of Worship: The Tabernacle Model
![Messianic worship Bet Yeshurun Messianic Assembly](../images/picture-album/tabernohio/11ohiotabernaclepresentation.jpg)
The lecture room is shown here with the small model of the Tabernacle and other items. The presenter was very knowledgeable and personable. The presentation took about an hour and a half; with a lot of wonderful information presented..
Symbols of Worship: The Linen Garment
![Messianic worship Bet Yeshurun Messianic Assembly](../images/picture-album/tabernohio/13ohiohighpriestlinen.jpg)
The linen garment of the High Priest is shown with the breastplate composed of twelve precious stones representing the twelve tribes of Israel. Notice the pomegranates at the bottom.
Layers of Skins: The Covered Tabernacle
![Messianic worship Bet Yeshurun Messianic Assembly](../images/picture-album/tabernohio/14ohiotabernaclepic1.jpg)
This actual full-size replica of the Tabernacle was beautiful to behold. Each layer of skins was composed of hundreds of animal skins and weighed approximately 3000 pounds each!
Worship Item: The Golden Candlestick
![Messianic worship Bet Yeshurun Messianic Assembly](../images/picture-album/tabernohio/15ohioaltargoldencandlestick.jpg)
The seven-branched golden candlestick is shown here.
Worship Symbolism: The Altar of Incense
![Messianic worship Bet Yeshurun Messianic Assembly](../images/picture-album/tabernohio/16ohioaltarofincense.jpg)
The High Priest ministers at the Altar of Incense.
On the Altar: The Atonement Offering
![Messianic worship Bet Yeshurun Messianic Assembly](../images/picture-album/tabernohio/17ohiodayofatonementoffering.jpg)
Here we see the atonement offering for the sins of the people, which involved the slaying of many hundreds of animals. How thankful we are that this sacrificial offering has been replaced by the "better covenant" of Messiah, who was our one sacrifice for sin under the New Covenant!
On the Mercy Seat: The Angels in Prayer
![Messianic worship Bet Yeshurun Messianic Assembly](../images/picture-album/tabernohio/18ohiotableofshewbread.jpg)
Here the High Priest ministers at the Table of Shewbread. We hope that you enjoyed this short tour of the Tabernacle in the Wilderness. Please come visit our Messianic Assembly when you can to learn more about the Torah of Elohim and its symbolism for those of us today under the New Covenant!
Our Worship Service: What You Will Experience!
O' give thanks to YHVH. Call upon His name. Make known His deeds among the people. Sing to Him. Sing psalms to Him. Speak of all His wondrous works. (Psalm 105:1-2)
Other articles on this page discussed the name of Bet Yeshurun Assembly (BYA), its nature, authority, reputation, character and how BYA worships in spirit and truth as Yahushuah commands. This article further examines how the worship services of BYA are based upon scripture. Choose the button below to read about the format of our weekly Sabbath service!
Service FormatWhat We Believe
We believe in the One true Divine El of Israel, the Almighty Elohim of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. His name in Hebrew is YHWH, often written "Yahweh" or "Yahuah" and means the Everliving One.
The Bible
The Scriptures are the divine revelation and revealed Will of YHWH, focusing on His Son, Yahushuah (called in mainstream religion "Jesus Christ").
The Messiah
Yahushuah is the Son of our Heavenly Father (YHWH). He was the giver of Torah and is the fulfillment of Torah. He is the only way of salvation for mankind. (Acts. 4:12) See our list of Messianic prophecies.
The Holy Spirit
The Ruach ha'Kodesh, or Holy Spirit, has the essence, power, and mind of YHWH, and makes believers begotten children of the Kingdom of YAH.
Man has no hope for eternal life within himself. He is dependent upon the grace of the Savior and redeemer to be saved. This is done by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the mind and soul of man.
The Everlasting Kingdom
The Kingdom of Elohim is an everlasting kingdom based upon the Sovereignty of Yah as its King. The kingdom of Yah will eventually encompass the whole of creation. (Rom. 8:20-21; Rev. 5:13)
Divine Laws
Yah's laws are Spiritual, everlasting, merciful, righteous, and holy. The laws of Elohim are the true liberation of men upon the earth. We must live by every Word of Yah. (Luke 4:4) Yah's Divine law applies to us living today under the New and Better Covenant.
The Gospel
The duty of believers is to carry the Gospel message, or Good News, to all nations, kindreds, and tongues. This message consists of the truth of: a) Yahushuah's literal return to reign on this earth; b) the grace and justification of Yah; c) sanctification or holiness through His Word and Spirit. d) Yahushuah is the only Savior of mankind.