Bet Yeshurun Assembly Picture Album:
Special Worship Services
A selection of guest speakers and special events for members of Bet Yeshurun Messianic Assembly.
Bet Yeshurun Messianic Assembly sponsors special presentations and field trips for our members on a variety of Biblical themes. Here is a photographic tour of a representative sampling of some of our past programs. Simply click the links below to view the entire event in pictures. We would love to have you experience Messianic worship with us! To join us in worship, click the "Contact" button above.
Bet Yeshurun Worship:
Learning more about Scripture through special presentations.
On this page are some illustrated picture albums of special services illustrating Scriptural themes.
The Ark of the Covenant Presentation

View a photo gallery of a presentation to our Assembly on the Ark of the Covenant and its symbolism for us living today under the New Covenant.
Ark of the CovenantThe Garments of the High Priest

A complete explanation of the high priest garments and their New Covenant symbolism for us. A beautiful and effective portrayal of the gospel.
High Priest GarmentsDead Sea Scrolls Exhibition

A field trip by our assembly to view the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit during its exhibition in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Some interesting things learned and a deeper understanding of the Tanach (Old Testament) Scriptures.
Dead Sea ScrollsThe Tabernacle in the Wilderness: (Scale Model)

A field trip to view the half-scale model reproduction of the Tabernacle displayed in Livonia, Michigan. A beautiful display with an explanation of the New Covenant symbolism found in the various articles of furnishing.
Tabernacle modelThe Tabernacle in the Wilderness: Life-Size Reproduction

Another field trip by our Assembly to Ohio to view a complete full-size model of the Tabernacle. This is of particular interest to Messianic believers for its link between the Old and New Covenants. Seeing the Tabernacle at its full size was an inspiring experience!
Tabernacle -full size replica
Detroit Neighborhood
Messianic Revival Rally
-Public Evangelism